Bloomerang Volunteer Knowledge Base
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Managing Your Organization (Administrator)
Getting Started as a Volunteer
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Account Settings
Mobile App Overview
Hours Worked
Form Questions
Alerts & Notifications
Getting Started as an Administrator
Account Settings
Shift Supervisor
Check-In Administrator
Managing Your Organization (Administrator)
Public Page
Form Questions
Applications and Background Checks
Languages & Translation
Salesforce Integration
Bloomerang Donor Integration
Organization Qualifications
Signup Workflow / Recruitment
Email Templates
Personalization Fields
Email Communications
Measure Volunteer Impact
Managing Your Opportunity (Administrator)
Public Page
Form Questions
Signup Workflow / Recruitment
Opportunity Settings
Venues & Locations
Attendance Tracking
Languages & Translation
Hours Worked / Service Time Tracking
Email Templates
Personalization Fields
Email Communications
Managing Your Schedule (Administrator)
Understanding the Schedule
Draft Shifts
Shift Signup
Confirmations & Reminders
Using the Mobile App (Administrator)
Administrator Overview
Back to home
Bloomerang Volunteer Knowledge Base
Managing Your Organization (Administrator)
Getting Started as a Volunteer
Get Help
Account Settings
Mobile App Overview
Hours Worked
Form Questions
Alerts & Notifications
Getting Started as an Administrator
Account Settings
Shift Supervisor
Check-In Administrator
Managing Your Organization (Administrator)
Public Page
Form Questions
Applications and Background Checks
Languages & Translation
Salesforce Integration
Bloomerang Donor Integration
Organization Qualifications
Signup Workflow / Recruitment
Email Templates
Personalization Fields
Email Communications
Measure Volunteer Impact
Managing Your Opportunity (Administrator)
Public Page
Form Questions
Signup Workflow / Recruitment
Opportunity Settings
Venues & Locations
Attendance Tracking
Languages & Translation
Hours Worked / Service Time Tracking
Email Templates
Personalization Fields
Email Communications
Managing Your Schedule (Administrator)
Understanding the Schedule
Draft Shifts
Shift Signup
Confirmations & Reminders
Using the Mobile App (Administrator)
Administrator Overview
Managing Your Organization (Administrator)
What is an Organization?
What is the Organization Volunteer List?
Public Page
Add or Edit the Public Page Description for an Organization
What displays on the Opportunity Preview?
Can I search or filter Opportunity Preview cards?
Highlight Top Volunteers with a Leaderboard
How do I add someone to an Organization?
Import Volunteers
Import Hours Worked
How do I add/remove columns on the Organization Volunteer list?
What can I search on the Organization Volunteer List?
How do I Export the Organization's Volunteer List?
What can I filter by on the Organization Volunteer List?
Can I bulk-remove users from Opportunities at the Organization level?
Can I add a user to an Opportunity from their profile?
Can I move someone from the Waitlist to Scheduled at the Organization level?
Can I remove a user from Shifts at the Organization level?
Can I remove a volunteer from an Opportunity at the Organization level?
Can I see the Schedule and Opportunities tabs for users in pending Applications?
What Shift actions can be taken at the Organizational Level?
Where can I see a volunteer's entire Schedule?
How do I see a volunteers schedule from the Organization level?
How do I see which Opportunities a user is in at Organization level?
How can I see a user's schedule as a read-only Manager?
Can I filter by permission levels for the Organization?
What is a basic user?
What are the different Organization permissions?
How do I grant Read Only permissions?
Is there a limit to the Volunteers I can have in the Organization?
Can I Filter Volunteers based on Hours Worked?
Change a Volunteer's Permissions
Create PDFs From Volunteer List Exports
Set Up Recruitment for Your Organization
Can I perform check-ins at the Organization level?
Enable and Manage Organization Notifications
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Form Questions
What answer types allow Multiple Sub Questions in my Organization?
Why can't I have the same nickname for multiple Form Questions?
How do I use Multiple Sub Questions in my Organization?
What does it mean to Auto-Tag a Qualification?
How do I Auto-Tag Qualifications?
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Applications and Background Checks
Start and Monitor Background Checks
How to manage Applications to your Organization
Where do I find my rejected applications?
Where do I find my pending applications?
Manage Your Opportunity List
Delete Opportunities
How to Embed Public Opportunities on another site?
Create Opportunities
How do I allow someone to create Opportunities in my Organization?
Bulk Edit Opportunities
How do I limit people from seeing Opportunities?
What is Live, Upcoming, and Past Opportunities?
Can I duplicate/copy an Opportunity?
How do I display my Public Opportunities?
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Languages & Translation
How do I need to format the .CSV file when importing Language Strings?
How many languages can I add to an Organization?
How do I check the preferred language of Organization Volunteers?
What is the Organization Language Settings tab?
What happens if a volunteer’s preferred language is not one that has been included in the Organization?
How do I delete a language from my Organization?
Where do I set the language options for my Organization?
Am I able to filter volunteer lists by the primary languages of Organization Volunteer?
Does the system automatically translate my Organization?
Am I able to have my Organization in multiple languages?
How will volunteers choose what language to view an Organization in?
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Salesforce Integration
Creating a Volunteer Dashboard in Salesforce
Creating Reports in Salesforce with Volunteer Data
Manually add Synchronize with Bloomerang Volunteer field to Salesforce Contact Layout
Mapping Custom Data with Salesforce Integration
Connecting Salesforce from Bloomerang Volunteer
How can Salesforce and Bloomerang Volunteer be Connected?
Tips for Connecting Salesforce through Bloomerang Volunteer
Salesforce and InitLive Integration Overview
View Salesforce Activity Logs
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Bloomerang Donor Integration
Bloomerang Donor Integration
Sync Volunteer Data with Bloomerang
View Bloomerang Donor Logs
Organization Qualifications
What are Organization Qualifications?
What is the Organization Mid Level Email Sent Email report?
What is the Organization Deep Level Sent Email Report?
Organization-Level Reports
Download Contributions Reports (for an Organization)
Signup Workflow / Recruitment
Creating a Custom Approve/Reject to Organization Message
How do I send out the Shift Selection Link at the Organization Level?
What are Tags?
Can I Auto-Assign Tags to Users?
Email Templates
How do I create an Email Template?
Can I edit Templates in the Library?
How do I edit the details of a template?
How do I edit or delete an Email Template?
Can I send messages from within the Library?
Who can see templates I create?
How do the folders in the Template Library work?
What is an Email Template?
Can I edit an email without updating the existing Email Template?
Can I delete Email Templates from the library?
Manage Templates in the Template Library
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Personalization Fields
Can I use Personalization Fields in Templates?
How do I add Hours Worked into a message?
How do I create emails with Personalization Fields?
What are Personalization Fields?
Email Communications
Can I save a template with Special Links?
What are Special Links?
How do I see the Messages that have been sent?
Where can I see bounce rates on my Sent Messages?
Measure Volunteer Impact
Measure the Impact and Frequency of Volunteer Contributions
View Time Contributions
Change the Active Contribution Status Time Period
Download Active Status Reports
Value of Hours
View Value of Hours Data in Volunteer Lists, Reports, and Analytics
View Engagement, Impact, and Recruitment Analytics for an Organization
View a Giving Summary for Each Volunteer
Download Value of Hours Worked Reports (for an Organization)
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