View Value of Hours Data in Volunteer Lists, Reports, and Analytics

In the Volunteer List, reports, and analytics, see how much money your organization saves thanks to volunteers who donate their time. 

In this article:

Before You Begin

Before you can view Value of Hours monetary data, you must enter a Default Value for One Hour amountFor instructions, view Value of Hours.

View Value of Hours in the Volunteer List

In the Volunteer List, show one or more columns that show the monetary value of time.

The Lifetime Value of Hours column updates automatically when:

  • A volunteer is assigned more Hours Worked
  • You update the Default Value for One Hour amount

To show Value of Hours columns:

  1. Open your organization or the opportunity.
  2. Click Volunteer List.
  3. Click the Show/Hide Columns icon icon_shift_calendar_view_columns-1.
  4. Scroll to the Hours Worked section.
  5. Select the Lifetime Value of Hours column.
  6. Click Apply.

Filter the Volunteer List by Value of Hours Data

After you add Lifetime Value of Hours columns, add one or more Value of Hours filters to refine the Volunteer List. Each filter has several options you can configure. 

To add Monetary Value of Hours filters:

  1. Open your organization or the opportunity.
  2. Click Volunteer List.
  3. Click the Filter icon icon_filter
  4. Click Hours Worked Filters.
  5. Select one or more filters to add:
    • Lifetime Value of Hours — Total Value of Hours volunteers contributed across the organization
    • Value of Hours by Opportunity — Total Value of Hours volunteers contributed to the selected opportunity
  6. For either filter, select options to see volunteers who contributed less than, more than, equal to, or between a value that you enter.
  7. Click Filter.
  8. To close the filter window and return to the Volunteer List, click the X icon at the upper right.

Include Value of Hours in Volunteer List Exports

After you add Value of Hours columns and filter the Volunteer List, select volunteers to export to a .CSV file. You can include Value of Hours data in the export.

For information about how to export the Volunteer List, view How do I Export the Organization's Volunteer List

Download Value of Hours Reports

You can download reports that show the monetary value of hours worked for your entire organization or each opportunity. You can see lifetime data for your organization or an opportunity, or see data for a year, month, week, or day.

For information about how to download these reports, view Download Value of Hours Worked Reports (for an Organization) and Download Value of Hours Worked Reports (for an Opportunity).

View Engagement and Impact Analytics for an Organization

On the Overview page for your organization, view impact and engagement analytics, which include data visualizations. For more information about analytics, view Engagement, Impact, and Recruitment Analytics for an Organization.  
