Highlight Top Volunteers with a Leaderboard

Surface and recognize contributions from your top or most loyal volunteers


Highlight your top volunteers by adding a leaderboard to your organization’s Public Organization Page. A leaderboard is a great way to surface and recognize contributions from your top or most loyal volunteers and encourage others to participate in opportunities.

Leaderboard rankings are based on total hours worked. For example, you might want to show for your entire organization:

  • Top 10 volunteers, all time
  • Top 5 volunteers this month

You can create and display a leaderboard at the organization level or at the opportunity level. This article covers the leaderboard at the organization level. For information about configuring leaderboards at the opportunity level see Highlight Top Volunteers within an Opportunity with a Leaderboard.

Note: The leaderboard is only visible to members of your organization. Non-members and members of the general public cannot see the leaderboard.


To display the leaderboard on your Public Organization Page for staff who are part of your organization:

  1. Select My Organizations
  2. Select your organization.
  3. Select Recruitment > Public Organization Page.
  4. Under Public Page Toolbox, select Page Settings
  5. Next to Preview Leaderboard, select Show
  6. Optional: To change the length of the leaderboard, set the time frame the leaderboard covers, or show/hide the number of hours worked next to the person, expand Advanced Settings and choose your preferred options.
  7. Select Save to update leaderboard settings.

To view the leaderboard, go to your organization’s Public Organization Page. The link is at the top of the Public Organization Page preview. The leaderboard displays below the Organization Overview. 

Note: Only individual volunteers are eligible to show on a leaderboard. Group leaders are excluded from leaderboards because group leaders accrue hours on behalf of multiple people.

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