About the Central Schedule

Track and manage volunteer efforts across multiple opportunities from one location.

The Central Schedule feature shows all shifts across all opportunities for your entire organization. You can view shifts with gaps, shifts that have met the minimum requirements, and shifts that are full. Make volunteer placement decisions and check role or shift statuses without opening opportunities individually. 

To print reports with schedule gaps or schedules by date, read Organization-Level Reports and Opportunity-Level Reports.

In this article:

How It Works

You can view Central Schedule information in two places:

Central Schedule Dashboard Tile 

To access an overview of schedule gaps across opportunities, open your organization and go to the Overview page. An Upcoming Schedule Shortages dashboard tile appears that shows the total number of shortages for scheduled roles (Draft and Published) starting within the next: 

  • 12 hours
  • 24 hours
  • Two days
  • Seven days
  • Two weeks
  • Month

Upcoming Schedule Shortages dashboard tile.

The total number of shortages for each time period is incremental. For example, you have 16 shortages for scheduled roles starting within two days. The total number of shortages for that time period also includes one shortage for a scheduled role starting within 24 hours.

The list shows shortages based on the current user’s time zone rather than the time zones of the opportunities.

For more information, click View All to open the Central Schedule page

Central Schedule Page

The Central Schedule page shows more information about schedule gaps across opportunities. For example, you might view the shortages within a custom date range, or scheduled roles that have met the minimum number of volunteers required.

You can view schedule data in the following ways:

Note: All views show data only for shifts starting on today’s date and in the future. To view past shifts, you must open opportunities individually.

Donut Chart

The donut chart shows the percentages for scheduled roles with a status of:

  • Shortage of volunteers
  • Achieved volunteers required
  • Full/Reached signup limit

Donut chart on the Central Schedule page with a breakdown of shortages by scheduled role.

Percentages update based on the date range selected in the Scheduled Roles table. Hover over each percentage to view the number of shifts in that section compared to the total number of shifts. 

Note: The donut chart only updates to show date filters. Other filters from the Scheduled Roles table do not appear in the donut chart, and clicking the donut chart does not update the Scheduled Roles table.

Calendar View

The calendar view highlights dates within the selected month that have shortages for scheduled roles. Dates are not highlighted if their scheduled roles have achieved the minimum number of volunteers required. 

Hover over a date to view all statuses for the total number of scheduled volunteers.

Scheduled Roles Table

Use this table to manage and search for opportunities, scheduled roles, or shift titles. 

By default, the Scheduled Roles table shows all roles across all opportunities for the current day based on your time zone. You can also refresh the table to include any new data in real time.

Note: The current date shows all the shifts for today’s date, including shifts that started in the past and shifts that started on the previous day but are still happening on the current date.

Use the search box or filters to get the information you need. You might filter by:

Filter Filter Options
Scheduled Role Statuses
  • All Scheduled Roles (Default)
  • Shortage of Volunteers
  • Achieved Volunteers Required
  • Full/Reached Signup Limit
  • No Scheduled Volunteers
  • Below the Signup Limit
  • All Opportunities (Default)
  • One Opportunity
  • Multiple Opportunities
Date Range
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
  • Custom Date Range


Status, opportunity, and date filters in the Scheduled Roles table.

You can also edit the columns in several ways:

  • Change, subtract from, or add to the default table columns by clicking the display/hide columns CS Column Icon filter option.
  • Drag and drop columns to reorder them.
  • Expand or collapse column widths.
  • Click a column header to sort results.

To edit an opportunity from the Central Schedule page, click a result in the Opportunity Name column. After clicking Yes in the confirmation box, the system sends you to the Recruitment page for that opportunity.

Confirmation box asking if you want to leave the Central Schedule page to go to the opportunity page.

You can also go to an opportunity by hovering over a role in the Scheduled Roles column. Two icons appear that you can click to go to an opportunity’s Recruitment page or Schedule page. Clicking the Go to Opportunity’s Schedule icon opens that opportunity’s Scheduled Roles view by default.

Icons that appear when hovering over a role in the Scheduled Roles table.

In addition, administrators with editing permissions can edit both shift and volunteer information directly from the Scheduled Roles table. 

Edit Shifts

Open a shift window by clicking a result in the Shift Title, Shift Status, Shift State (Published/Draft), or Scheduled Role columns. You can edit the settings within each scheduled role and set the state of the shift, delete the shift, or send a message.

Tip: For more information about editing shifts, view sections Select Shift Roles and Qualifications through Add Tags in Create and Edit Shifts. For information about adding volunteers in each scheduled role within the shift window, read How Does Roster Mode Work? You can also edit the settings within each scheduled role.

An open shift window on the Central Schedule page.

Note: To create new or recurring shifts, you must open opportunities individually.

Edit Volunteers

Open the Schedule tab of a volunteer’s organization profile by clicking a result in the Scheduled Volunteers (Names) or Volunteers on Waitlist (Names) columns. The volunteer’s organization profile opens. Edit the volunteer using the Actions, Take Action, and date range filter drop-down lists. 
