Bloomerang Volunteer Knowledge Base
Go to Bloomerang Volunteer
Getting Started as a Volunteer
Getting Started as a Volunteer
Get Help
Account Settings
Mobile App Overview
Hours Worked
Form Questions
Alerts & Notifications
Getting Started as an Administrator
Account Settings
Shift Supervisor
Check-In Administrator
Managing Your Organization (Administrator)
Public Page
Form Questions
Applications and Background Checks
Languages & Translation
Salesforce Integration
Bloomerang Donor Integration
Organization Qualifications
Signup Workflow / Recruitment
Email Templates
Personalization Fields
Email Communications
Measure Volunteer Impact
Managing Your Opportunity (Administrator)
Public Page
Form Questions
Signup Workflow / Recruitment
Opportunity Settings
Venues & Locations
Attendance Tracking
Languages & Translation
Hours Worked / Service Time Tracking
Email Templates
Personalization Fields
Email Communications
Managing Your Schedule (Administrator)
Understanding the Schedule
Draft Shifts
Shift Signup
Confirmations & Reminders
Using the Mobile App (Administrator)
Administrator Overview
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Bloomerang Volunteer Knowledge Base
Getting Started as a Volunteer
Getting Started as a Volunteer
Get Help
Account Settings
Mobile App Overview
Hours Worked
Form Questions
Alerts & Notifications
Getting Started as an Administrator
Account Settings
Shift Supervisor
Check-In Administrator
Managing Your Organization (Administrator)
Public Page
Form Questions
Applications and Background Checks
Languages & Translation
Salesforce Integration
Bloomerang Donor Integration
Organization Qualifications
Signup Workflow / Recruitment
Email Templates
Personalization Fields
Email Communications
Measure Volunteer Impact
Managing Your Opportunity (Administrator)
Public Page
Form Questions
Signup Workflow / Recruitment
Opportunity Settings
Venues & Locations
Attendance Tracking
Languages & Translation
Hours Worked / Service Time Tracking
Email Templates
Personalization Fields
Email Communications
Managing Your Schedule (Administrator)
Understanding the Schedule
Draft Shifts
Shift Signup
Confirmations & Reminders
Using the Mobile App (Administrator)
Administrator Overview
Getting Started as a Volunteer
Everything you need to know about getting set up as Volunteer in the Bloomerang Volunteer System!
Get Help
How do I contact the Opportunity Manager?
Training Videos for Volunteers
Account Settings
How do I log in to Bloomerang Volunteer?
Create a Bloomerang Volunteer Account
Manage your Profile
How do I set my Preferred Language?
How do I upload a Profile Photo?
How do I edit my Profile?
Formatting your Phone Number
Why Can’t I see my preferred language?
Why is my Account information already filled in?
How do I reset my password?
How do I change my language?
How do I claim my Account?
How do I tell if I already have an Account?
How do I delete my account?
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Mobile App Overview
How do I create an account on the Mobile App?
How do I Sign Up for more Shifts on the Mobile App?
How do I see other people in a Shift?
How do I edit my Profile on the Mobile App?
How do I see My Hours Worked on the Mobile App?
How do I sign up for more Opportunities on the Mobile App?
How do I edit Shift Reminders?
How do I block notifications for the Mobile App?
See more
Is there a limit to how many Shifts I can sign up for?
How do I remove myself from Shifts and Opportunities?
How do I sign up for more shifts on the mobile app?
How do I change the Shift I am Scheduled in?
What is a Shift?
How can I tell when a Shift is over?
How do I add my shifts to Google Calendar?
What are Shift Conflicts?
Why aren't there any shifts to pick right now?
Where can I go to see my Past Shifts?
How can I add My Shifts to a Calendar?
Can I Filter Shifts by Tags?
How do I signup for Shifts/Pick a Shift?
Can I change my answer if I Confirm/Decline a Shift?
How can I see the Shifts that are assigned to me?
How do I see my Schedule/Booked Shifts?
Why can't I remove myself from a Shift?
What Timezone is the Shift Scheduled in?
What is the Preview Available Shifts on the Opportunity Public Page?
How do I change the Shift Selection view?
Where can I go to see my future and upcoming Shifts?
How do I filter/unfilter my Shifts when signing up?
How do I confirm my Shifts?
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What is an Opportunity?
My Opportunity Overview
What is the Opportunity Page?
How do I get to the Opportunity Sign Up Page?
How do I search for new Opportunities?
Signup Opportunities
How do I join an Opportunity?
How do I register for an Opportunity?
Do I have to register with Bloomerang Volunteer in order to work?
Why can't I remove myself from the Opportunity?
How can I tell when an Opportunity is over?
Where can I go to see Past Opportunities?
Why can't I see an Opportunity listed?
What does it mean when the Opportunity is marked as "Closed"?
What does it mean when the Opportunity is marked as "Open"?
What does it mean when the Opportunity is marked as Full?
Why can't I access/get into an Opportunity?
Is there a Limit to the number of Opportunities I can signup to?
How do I remove myself from an Opportunity?
Edit Signup
What Is the "My Overview" tab?
See more
How do I remove myself from a Group?
How do I signup two/multiple people under one email?
What is a Group?
How do I join a group?
How do I register a Group?
How do I sign up my Group to a Shift?
How do I check in my group?
See more
General Availability
What if I am Unavailable for my Shifts?
What is an Availability Conflict?
Hours Worked
How do I submit Hours Worked for my group?
Add and Manage Your Hours Worked
What is the Organization Page?
How do I remove myself from the Organization?
What does "Application Pending" mean in the Organization?
Can I be part of multiple Organizations?
What is the Organization Overview?
What does it mean when the Organization is marked as 'Open'?
How do I sign up to the Organization?
How do I find different Organizations to signup to?
How do I get to the Organization Signup Page?
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Form Questions
What is a Form?
Edit Form Question Answers
Why are my Answers already populated on the Form?
How do I upload a File?
What is a Template Question?
Why can't I submit my form?
What types of Files can I upload?
What is a required Form Question?
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What is a Qualification?
Is there a limit to the number of Qualifications I can Signup to?
How do I edit the Qualifications I am in?
How do I remove myself from a Qualification?
How do I signup to a Qualification?
See more
How do I remove myself from a Role?
How do I edit the Roles I am in?
What is a Scheduled Role?
Is there a limit to the number of Roles I can sign up to?
How do I sign up to a Role?
What is a Role?
See more
Alerts & Notifications
How do I stop receiving text alerts about my shifts?
What are Opportunity and Shift Tags?