1. Bloomerang Volunteer Knowledge Base
  2. Getting Started as an Administrator

How do I create an account in Bloomerang Volunteer?

Whether you are signing up to volunteer at an Opportunity or looking to run an Opportunity with Bloomerang Volunteer, create your account online first before accessing the Bloomerang Volunteer mobile app.

Depending on what you're looking to do in the Bloomerang Volunteer system, you may create your account through a few different paths. Here's what we recommend for each type of Bloomerang Volunteer user.

1. I'm a Volunteer

If you're looking to sign up for a particular Opportunity or Organization, make sure you are registering through the custom recruitment page they host, rather than the Bloomerang Volunteer general login page. This will ensure that you have access to the information needed to volunteer. You'll be able to tell that you're in the right place if the details for the Opportunity/Organization are listed directly on the page you are using to create your account.


From the recruitment page, click the green "Signup" or "Signup For This Organization" button. We will automatically prompt you to enter your email address and walk you through the steps needed to complete your account setup, including confirming your email address through a custom code you will receive in your email inbox. Please note that if you are being invited to an Opportunity/Organization, your Manager may have already created an account on your behalf. In this case, the green button will read "Edit Signup" but will take you through the same steps to set your password and activate your Bloomerang Volunteer account.

2. I'm an Opportunity Manager

Bloomerang Volunteer encourages Organization Managers to create accounts on behalf of their Opportunity Managers and grant the permissions necessary for you to manage your Opportunities and Volunteers. Once your account has been created and you've been granted Opportunity Manager permissions within an Opportunity, you will receive an automated email from 'The Bloomerang Volunteer Team' which will provide you access to set your password and access the Opportunity. If you have previously registered as a Volunteer this email will notify you of the change to your Opportunity permissions and you will have administrative access over your Opportunity(ies) upon your next login.

3. I'm an Organization Manager

As an Organization Manager, the Bloomerang Volunteer Customer Success team will ensure that you have a smooth onboarding experience. This begins by creating your account.


Upon signing on with Bloomerang Volunteer, a Customer Success Representative will create your Organization and account on your behalf. You can expect to receive an email from 'The Bloomerang Volunteer Team' with instructions to activate your account by setting your password. From there, you will be able to add any new Organization Managers into the system using the 'Add Staff' button from your Organization Staff List. Appoint Organization Manager permissions from the 'Permissions' area of a Volunteer's profile.

Please Note: All Bloomerang Volunteer users must create/activate their account through the Bloomerang Volunteer web platform before accessing the smartphone app.