1. Bloomerang Volunteer Knowledge Base
  2. Getting Started as an Administrator

Make a Person an Organization Manager

An organization manager is a person who has been assigned the Organization Manager permission level in Bloomerang Volunteer. The Organization Manager permission level can only be assigned by existing organization managers.

To assign the Organization Manager role to an existing volunteer:

  1. In Bloomerang Volunteer, navigate to your organization, then click Volunteers.
  2. Click the volunteer’s name in the list to view their profile.
  3. Click Permissions.
  4. Click the toggle button next to Organization Manager to toggle it to On.
  5. (Optional) Under the Organization Manager permission level, you can enable the Read Only options to further control what the Organization Manager can see and do in your organization. The Read Only setting also blocks the Organization Manager from accessing opportunities on the Bloomerang Volunteer mobile app.
    Screenshot of the Organization Manager permission controls, showing the Read Only option and sub-options.
    1. The first sub-option, Allow Manager to Export any data & reports from the system, is useful for people who are responsible for running reports, but not for changing any of the organization’s data.
    2. The second sub-option, Allow Manager to send messages & Broadcasts from the system, is useful for people who are responsible for communications, but not for changing any of the organization’s data.
  6. Click Done. If this is the first time that the person has been granted Organization Manager permissions, Bloomerang Volunteer automatically sends an email to the person to notify them that their permissions have changed.
