How do I add someone to an Organization?

Add a user to your Organization by inviting them through a Registration Signup Link, importing from a CSV, or adding Staff individually

Organization Recruitment

You can invite Staff to your Organization from the Recruitment area within the Organization. Be sure to customize the Recruitment page using the Public Organization Page Toolbox to upload a logo, cover photo, and Organization details. Configure the Registration Form from Form Questions and Recruitment Settings before publishing the page.


Share the Public Page Link via email, social media or through a link on your website to begin Organization Recruitment. If Automatic Approval is enabled in Recruitment Settings, all Staff will automatically be added to the Organization Staff List. If Manual Approval is enabled, Staff will be added to the Pending Applications area of the Organization Staff List until they are approved or rejected.

Import from CSV

To import a pre-existing database of Staff into your Organization, use the Import from .CSV option. Select this option from the Staff List in the Organization or Opportunity settings.


For more information about importing staff, view Import Staff and Volunteers. You can also create new users when you Import Hours Worked.

    Add Staff Individually

    If you only need to add a few Staff to your Organization, use the Add Staff button from the Organization Staff List to Add Staff individually.


    All we require is First Name, Last Name, and a unique Email address to add Staff to your Organization. Mobile Phone Number is not a required field, but is encouraged for mobile use - during your Live Opportunity, Broadcast messages can be sent via SMS text message if Staff are not logged into the app to receive push notifications.

    After adding Staff to the Organization, whether individually or through the CSV import, be sure to use the Take Action button on the Organization Staff List to Invite Staff to the Organization via email.