What can I do as a read-only manager?

InitLive is now Bloomerang Volunteer—a new name, a new look, and a new integration. Bloomerang Volunteer works just like InitLive. You can do everything you always do, and in the same way. 

See what's changed.

As an Organization Manager with Read Only permissions you are limited in what actions you can take in the system, but you are able to view everything. Depending on how your permissions are configured you may or may not be able to export data and reports, and you may or may not be able to send messages and Broadcasts from the system. 

org read only

You will be able to view all Opportunities, staff/volunteer's profiles, schedules, public pages, etc but will not be able make any changes. 

If you do not have access to send messages, you will still be able to open the send message pop-up and preview what emails would look like with features such as insert schedule, personalization fields, and templates, but you will not be able to send the message out to users including yourself.  

read schedule preview

If you are unsure of your access, there will always be a banner letting you know that you are currently in an area that your Read Only permissions are affected by. 

read banner