What is a Checkin Administrator?

Handle check-in and check-out on Opportunity day as a Checkin Administrator.

Checkin Administrators have the ability to manage check-in and check-out for all Volunteers during the Opportunity. They also have access to the full Volunteer list. This Role becomes active when your Opportunity has gone Live, and its permissions are in the mobile app only.


Here, you can appoint the Role to Volunteers, as well as keep track of who is currently in the Role. To add someone as a Checkin Administrator, click the 'Take Action' button and then 'Edit Volunteer'. You will be prompted to select the Volunteer you want to appoint the Role to.


You can also appoint this Role from the Volunteer's profile card by selecting the Volunteer and then navigating to Roles. Select 'Take Action' and then check off the Checkin Administrator Role.
